Digital Marketing Buzz @ Tartu
Last week was held the Digital Marketing Buzz meetup at Tartu. The event was organized by Meedium Marketing. Meedium Marketing, an official Google Partner, provides digital marketing services, including SEO, Google Adwords campaigns, social media campaigns and many other related services. They also take care about educating the local digital marketing community.
There were 3 talks given. The first (by Fred Koppel) was about the current trends in digital marketing. Although the data supporting the trends was from the US market, the similar results would be seen in Estonia in a couple of years. Highlights: underutilized mobile ads, micro-moments, programmatic ads and ad exchanges, huge increase in mobile phone usage, decline of tablet devices.
The second (by Patricia Goh) was on user-experience and its impact to the conversion rate (relative number of visitors/users who become paying customers). Part of the talk mentioned technical aspects like page loading times and tablet/phone friendly page design (responsiveness). The other half dealt with non-technical aspects such as clear call-to-actions, clean forms and social proof (testimonials, social shares, connections, etc).
The final talk (by Taavi Raidma) was about planning and executing your actual digital marketing goals. He gave an overview of the possible digital marketing channels, including SEO, social media, AdWords, email marketing, banner ads and video ads. He also mentioned remarketing (reaching your past visitors) and analytics.
It was good to see so many friends taking part of the meetup (including Fred and Taavi who are my old classmates and team-mates from a project years ago). Events like this could be held more frequently. While my main role in projects is usually not marketing I still learned lots of valuable information.