Simple EJS highlighter for Sublime Text 3
The standard EJS package for Sublime Text 3 is broken. This post shows a trivial
alternative. There is EJS 2 package but it is broken too because valid EJS is
NOT always valid JavaScript. This happens when EJS tag ends a JavaScript block, like <% }) %>
in a
call. In the same way, this fork is broken too.
I have added my own solution. It just highlights the EJS tag as a whole and does not dive into it. I did it the
same way in Kate. In order to "install" this solution, create a
file EJS.sublime-syntax
into the Packages/EJS
directory (create EJS
directory where
Preferences->Browse Packages
opens). The any "official" EJS package must be uninstalled.
# See
name: EJS
- ejs
scope: text.html.ejs
- include: scope:text.html.basic
- match: '(<%(-|=)?.+?%>)'
scope: ejs
Then add the ejs
scope color into your theme (the tmTheme file of the active theme, possible hints on doing it are
With my theme and settings, the output looks like:
Update 2016-11-02
I have improved the highlighter to properly highlight multiple EJS fragments on the same line. This required change to make the match regex non-greedy. The full code snippet above has the fix.