Blog of Raivo Laanemets

Software development and personal stories.

Blog-Core framework

On 2014-11-21

Today I have released a framework for creating websites and blogs using SWI-Prolog. It has been my side project for a couple of years. I have plans to maintain the framework and keep it up to date.

The framework has its own web site The site contains, among other information, a guide to get started with the framework. The site, as this blog, is running on the same Blog-Core framework.

Project history

  • 2007 - cehteh had an idea in the ##prolog channel on Freenode IRC that we should create a wiki engine in Prolog. I did some work on parsing the wiki syntax but could not write a complete solution due to lack of time.
  • 2012 - started to build a personal blog. It was not meant to be a framework or a library, just a specific site. I found that Prolog works pretty well for web apps. However, it was hard to use the same code for other sites as the code was very site-specific and had to be copy-pasted for new sites.
  • 2013-2014 - the framework was extracted by pushing the most useful functionality into separate packs and providing a glue project to tie them together.